Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd., a leader in shipbuilding, marine engineering, and various non-shipbuilding projects, constantly seeks more efficient processing methods, material savings, and labor reduction to stay competitive in the market. In response, we developed a set of laser cutting and welding solutions to address their needs.
Ultra-Large Format Cutting
Our BULL V series supports expansive formats ranging from 16×3.5 meters to 40×4.5 meters, allowing for direct processing of whole steel plates from mills. This capability eliminates the need for transferring smaller plates, significantly cutting down procurement costs and enhancing processing efficiency.
Enhanced Common-Line Cutting Ability
Leveraging the precision of laser technology, the BULL V series facilitates cutting along common edges. This method offers a 13% material cost savings over plasma cutting.
Versatile Bevel Cutting
Our machine enables cutting grooves up to 45 degrees in various shapes, such as V, Y, and gradient slopes. This versatility streamlines subsequent welding processes, drastically reducing transfer times from station to station, and boosting processing efficiency by 600%.
Laser Welding Solutions
Given that about 80% of large ship hulls are comprised of thin sheets (4-12 mm thick) prone to deformation during welding, we offer the high-power laser hybrid welding production line to address the challenge.